Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Solutions to common problems

As my airline limits my allowed checked baggage to 1 large bag, I've decided to take on the challenge of trying to stuff 3 months-worth of "essentials" into 1 large bag. Of course, I'll max out the hand luggage, but that's besides the point. I've been trying to trim out and only pack "essentials", so I've been reviewing every item and started debating about the heavy winter coat.  After checking historical weather data for Berlin, and reading some housewives' "relocation" blog, I've determined that I will not be needing the heavy winter coat, as I will simply keep an eye on the weather and book trips to warmer climes whenever a nasty bout of cold is about to take over. Hello the Mediterranean. I'm hoping to apply this same logic to other decision-making processes in regards to common problems I may encounter over there.


  1. Maybe this will help with your packing dilemma:

  2. Poua ! tu me fais travailler le mince et pauvre anglais que je maitrise...pas !
    Si je comprends je te souhaite que l'hiver a venir ne sera pas un ou il y aura des record de froid si non tu va te les geler.
