Friday, September 24, 2010

Room with a view

So, here's a view from my flat, looking south. That's Treptower Tower in the background, some kinda business tower. And the river is called Spree (pronounced Schpray). If you've ever been to Berlin, what's wrong with this picture?


  1. Wow, mon petit maudit. Tu es vraiment sur le point de rencontrer Solveig (ou équivalent de tes rêves). C'est vraiment super, tu es entrain de venger nos rêves déçus de cégep ! Allez, c'est génial ! On pense à toi ! JP

  2. Oui, en fait le terrain vacant devant mon apart me rappelle la scene du cirque Alekan dans Les Ailes du Desir ... Oui, j'y crois pas encore. Envoie-moi ihren neue addresse, bitte.

  3. I don't know what's wrong with the picture but it's a gorgeous view. Take lots of pictures. I want to see them :)
